Language & Literacy Connections: Home

Connecting Children with Speech and Language Success

Language is not just another subject.

Language is the means by which

         all other subjects are pursued.

                     -J. Boyer

Did You Know…

  •  an estimated 5-7% of school-age children have SLI (Specific Language Impairment)?
  •  SLI symptoms are associated with academic, social, and vocational difficulties?
  •  the majority (>70%) of language impairment cases go undetected?
  •  women with a history of SLI are 4x more likely to experience sexual assault?
  •  the rate of language impairment in boys and girls is relatively equal, but boys are 3x more likely to be referred for a language assessment and 2x more likely to receive speech/language intervention?
  •  children with a history of speech and/or language difficulties are substantially more likely to experience difficulty learning to read?

In order to improve a child's ability to communicate, I provide customized speech and/or language therapy services for children throughout the Portland area.  Early intervention significantly decreases the risk of later school difficulties.  I can help.


We often take our ability to communicate for granted. However, when your child has difficulty with speech and/or language, you quickly realize how vital effective communication is for everyday living.


If you are concerned that your child may have difficulty with speech, language, and/or literacy (reading/writing), call today to set up a FREE 30-minute phone consultation.